Adds that make sense
Ava my g-daughter and her dog Dakota our golden Retriever
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Dog Treats with Glucosamine & Chondroitin

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Links to webcams,Niagara Falls,Lake Superior,Aerial Lift Bridge

I have links,videos,information on fho surgery both pre and postop on my golden retriever Dakota.
There's also links to other sites both informational and fun.
the below link is to Niagara falls web cam
The above link is to a webcam that is of lake superior in duluth minnesota by the aerial lift bridge a few blocks from where I live.
The below link is of the port and ships going into the aerial lift bridge.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Link to videos with dog or other animal care
The above link has videos on dog care such as expressing anal glands,explaining what the heck they are,cdrm,heat stroke,gastric torsion,chocolate poisoning,fruit and vege poisoning. Interesting site and you can learn a thing or two or three..
Tulla at Hawksmoor Hydrotherapy Referral Centre treadmill video of dog
walking on the treadmill with water enclosed. Great exercise
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Top Dog Home Therapy Booklets™
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Home Rehabilitation will...
Encourage Early Walking
Speed Recovery time
Decrease Overall Pain
Reduce Muscle Tightness
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TopDog Home Therapy Booklets™
Unlike most orthopedic surgeries, animals that have undergone an FHO do not need to be crate rested or significantly restricted after surgery. However, what they do need is effective pain management AND even more importantly they need a plan for recovery that wil encourage use of the leg very early on. At TopDog we believe that Therapy Starts at Home™ and it is extremely important that pet owners, like yourself, learn what is needed to ensure a safe and successful recovery for your pet. Our Home Therapy Booklet™ is packed with the tools you need at this stressful time.
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for more info click on the title link above to go to the page..
Glucosamine use after golden retriever surgery
Now I do not know what the best brand is, as of yet, I will have to do some research on that. But I do know that I just get mine in the pet section at walmart and he takes those just fine. They are kind of big so I do break it into 4 pieces and mix it up in his food at his dinner time..
# Arthritis refers to inflammation or swelling in a joint. The cause can be abnormal bone or joint development, instability of the surrounding ligaments and tendons, damage or injury to the joint, an infection or injury caused by the immune system. While anti-inflammatory medicines are popular treatments for arthritis, another approach involves protecting the cartilage in the joint and "nourishing" the joint.
# Glucosamine and chondroitin belong to a class of drugs known as nutraceuticals. They are not drugs in the usual sense, but are prescribed for a druglike effect. Such drugs are NOT regulated by the FDA. Nutraceuticals are considered nutritional supplements, not drugs.
# Cartilage and fluid within joints are crucial to normal joint function. With age, or after trauma, this cartilage may not be fully functional and fluid levels may diminish.
Rimadyl (Carprofen) Toxicity article
Tomlyn Biocaine (4 oz) is a First Aid Lotion for dogs and cats relieves pain and stops wound chewing, licking and scratching. Painless and soothing to... by inhibiting synthesis of the class of compounds called prostaglandins. Rimadyl® toxicity can cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.
for more information on rimadyl click on the headline link above:
Tramadol – also known as Tramadol Hydrochloride also goes by the name of Ultram® as well as other names. Tramadol is a painBiocaine 4oz
Tomlyn Biocaine (4 oz) is a First Aid Lotion for dogs and cats relieves pain and stops wound chewing, licking and scratching. Painless and soothing to... medication. We actually have information about this drug in our drug library – go to Tramadol Hydrochloride Drug Library Information.
The way tramadol works is not completely understood but it appears that at least two complementary mechanisms are operating: 1) binding of parent drug and metabolite to ยต-opioid receptors, and 2) weak inhibition of reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin.
Tramadol is well absorbed when administered orally and is very effective in many dogs. It is commonly combined with other pain medications for severe pain.
An article that might be helpful to you is Pain in Dogs
Golden retriever,had wobbly gait before fho surgery
Won't even attempt to jump up on your furniture, which is good but at the same time can show you that he doesn't want to use them back limbs.Goes to move your hand with his nose if you are trying to rub those back limbs in the hip joint area (because he is sore,so he is protecting them).sometimes they will literally stumble going up stairs etc..
Now I am not saying that this is definately hip dysplasia in your animal because i am no doctor but those are the things that went on with him and he had severe hip dysplasia.Just ideas,things to watch for and ask your vet about if you are noticing any of this in your animal...
These are things that I noticed when we had Dakota. Now, it was a little different with him because he had just been neutered so we weren't sure if things were going on with that at first or something else was going on until a few weeks had passed by and he just wasn't healing like we thought he should be so we made him a vet appointment thank goodness.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Eating problems and ideas after fho dog surgery
My pet had surgery and will not eat. What can be done?
* Dogs
o Most pets will not eat their regular dog food after surgery, especially if it is kibble.
o Offer a cooked diet having a 1:1 ratio of a protein source and carbohydrate source. The protein source can be any meat (example: chicken breast, turkey breast, lean hamburger) that is low in fat and should be cooked (drain off all fat after the meat has been cooked). The carbohydrate can be pasta, potato or white rice.
o Try canned dog food; to enhance the flavor sprinkle a very small amount of garlic powder or chicken or beef broth (Chicken-in-a- MugTM or Beef-in-a-MugTM products)
o Try Gerber strained meats for babies such as the chicken, beef, turkey, or veal
o Try Hill's A/D diet available at most veterinary hospitals
o Hand feeding; place a small amount of food in the mouth so that your dog gets the flavor
o Warm the food slightly in a microwave, as the food will be more aromatic; stir the food before feeding and test the temperature on the bottom side of your wrist; it should only be luke warm.
o Remember that most pets will not eat the first day or two after they get home from surgery
* Cats
o Offer smelly foods that contain fish such as tuna or smelly cat foods
o Try Gerber strained meats for babies such as the chicken, beef, turkey or veal
o Hand feeding: with your finger place a small amount of food on the roof of your cat's mouth; use a syringe to get soft food into the mouth
o Warm the food slightly in a microwave as the food will be more aromatic; remember to stir the food before feeding and test the temperature with your finger; it should be only luke-warm
o Some cats will only eat dry food, try kibble if your cat normally has been fed that food
o Petting and stroking your cat frequently will help to stimulate appetite
o Remember that most pets will not eat the first day or two after they get home from surgery
o Appetite stimulants such as cyproheptadine may be helpful
o If your cat refuses to eat anything for 7 days a stomach tube or nasogastric tube should be placed to provide nutrition so that a serious liver problem (hepatic lipidosis) does not develop
http://vetsurgerycentral.com/chd.htm more questions and answers at this link..
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Golden retriever,dog park fun
Yesterday we we're able to go to the dog park for a bit,always a few of the same dogs and different ones as well.I like the socializing bit for him.It also makes him try to run more to keep up with the dogs that have springs on there legs!
He likes to lie down and play with the littler dogs I've noticed.
He is so good tempered, he has never done anything inappropriate with any of the other dogs big or small.
It's kind of funny when you arrive to the dog park,you open the first gate and have a look around of course,there's all these dogs running around and then you see the humans lol. It kind of looks like one of those movies where the people are possessed because they are all just standing in little huddles of 2 or 3 people talking while the dogs do their thing..Now, that doesn't mean that they don't try to play with there dogs, they do but the dogs just don't think we are as interesting as the dogs are..Also, most all of the dog owners are very nice and sociable which I found very nicely surprising..
As for Dakota he is taking his glucosamine,eating and drinking well and hopefully we will be able to get those back clumsy limbs of his nice and strong as time goes on.But he does not seem to be in pain and for that I am grateful..
Sunday, September 7, 2008
photos of dogs playing at the dog park
Saturday, September 6, 2008
How to sing your puppies to sleep on video
moose playing in sprinkler and video

> http://www.maniacworld.com/twin-baby-moose-in-sprinkler.html
you've got to watch this video, it is sooo cute..
Hi, I'm glad you stopped by, feel free to look at the rest of my blog! It has videos,information on animals, hip dysplasia & my golden retriever and his fho surgery and all that is involved.
About Me
- mblueeyes
- duluth, minnesota, United States
- I love the good and bad and the ugly because all experiences make us who we are and you are stronger for everything that you experience.
dr on video explaining who gets hip dysplasia,what is hip dysplasia,symptoms of hip dysplasia and the diagnosis of hip dysplasia
I'm not sure how your dog is doing right now, but I want to let you know that if he is clumsy,has a wobbly gait which means that he has a swish to his walk, walks with his head down alot (because he is walking on his front half)which my Dakota did. He had great muscle mass in the front half of him because of this,but very little in the back.
Won't even attempt to jump up on your furniture, which is good but at the same time can show you that he doesn't want to use them back limbs.Goes to move your hand with his nose if you are trying to rub those back limbs in the hip joint area (because he is sore,so he is protecting them).sometimes they will literally stumble going up stairs etc..
Now I am not saying that this is definately hip dysplasia in your animal because i am no doctor but those are the things that went on with him and he had severe hip dysplasia.Just ideas,things to watch for and ask your vet about if you are noticing any of this in your animal...
These are things that I noticed when we had Dakota. Now, it was a little different with him because he had just been neutered so we weren't sure if things were going on with that at first or something else was going on until a few weeks had passed by and he just wasn't healing like we thought he should be so we made him a vet appointment thank goodness.
If you are here, I am assuming that the reason has to do with a possible surgery coming up and you want to learn more and make the right decision.
I am so glad that you are doing this!!
First of all make sure that you read on the choices of surgeries if you haven't talked to your vet on that yet.
I am still worried that maybe the complete hip surgery may have been the way to go for him instead of the fho surgery.
He is out of pain which was my goal of course and it will never come back so I am told. But, he has such a swish still when he walks and pretty clumsy still.
I know it is early yet and hopefullly these things will still take care of themselves with time and muscle growth.
Just something to think about if you have a larger dog like I do.
Research,Research,Research you have one chance.
Make sure that you make the right one for you and your loved pet.

links on hip dysplasia
- free downloadable ebooks on dog training
- canine medical information
- orthopedic information for animals
- wikipedia information on hip dysplasia and more
- canine encyclopedia-a-z listings
- geo cities hip dysplasia
- neutraceuticals for dog arthritis
- old dog paws
- orthomolecular specialties
- working dogs-hip dysplasia
- info on hip dysplasia and good animal info as well.
- dr.foster n smith pet education.com information on hip dysplasia

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