Adds that make sense
Ava my g-daughter and her dog Dakota our golden Retriever
Friday, November 28, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
How to Choose the Breed of Dog With the Temperament Most Suitable for Your Needs
How to Choose the Breed of Dog With the Temperament Most Suitable for Your Needs
How to Choose the Breed of Dog With the Temperament Most Suitable for Your Needs
Author: Dennis Fisher
How to choose the breed of dog with the most suitable temperament for your needs.
How to choose the breed of dog with the temperament most suitable for your needsby Dennis Fisher
Different breeds of dogs vary considerably in temperament. In deciding which breed would be most suitable for your needs and for the needs of your family, the distinctive temperament of the breed should be an important factor in your choice.
Obviously you cannot ignore practical considerations such as the size of your garden and the facilities you have for the dog to exercise. Some breeds of dogs obviously require more exercise than others. But do not ignore the natural, distinctive temperament of the breed you have chosen.
In order to make the task of choosing the breed of dog that best suits your needs a little easier, I have listed below the eight most popular dogs – according to A.K.C. registration figures – and given brief details about their temperaments.
The following list is in current order of popularity.
1. Labrador Retriever.Then Labrador is a medium sized dog of about 22 inches in height with very expressive eyes. An important reason for it’s popularity to the fact that it is generally an even-tempered, friendly animal that is particularly good with children.There are Labradors who have been trained to be quite effective guard dogs, but this is not a natural characteristic of the breed. But if is a lovable, friendly, affectionate, easy to manage and easy to train pet is what you require the Labrador is an excellent choice. Labradors are, quite understandably, the breed of choice with many eye-dog organizations.A Labrador can be a somewhat greedy dog and there is a tendency for the dog to put on too much weight if the diet is not controlled.2. Golden Retriever
The Golden Retriever is a fairly large, friendly animal, standing about 24 inches at the shoulder and weighing approximately 80 lbs.
This is a highly intelligent, very lively, active breed. It has a delightful temperament, friendly and affectionate and is very fond of children. The Golden Retriever is very quick to learn and responds very well indeed to training. It must be mentioned however, that the Golden Retriever is not a natural guard dog. It is a breed that appears to have no inherited protective, guard instinct. It is possible this can be instilled with correct training but it is not a natural trait of the breed.
3. Yorkshire Terrier.
This handsome little terrier, with a beautiful silky coat, although only about 7 lbs. in weight, is reputed to be one of the most courageous small dogs willing to tackle anything.It is highly intelligent, friendly and lovable and can fit in easily in a very small home or apartment. It does not require a great deal of exercise.The “Yorkie”, as it is affectionately known is definitely a terrier in nature. It is bright, intelligent, lively and alert and in spite of its small size makes a very good, protective watchdog.
4. German Shepherd Dog
This is the breed that has been my personal favorite for many years. There is no animal as anxious to please, as easy to train and as adaptable as the well-bred German Shepherd.But I would like to stress the “well-bred” aspect. In this regard I must emphasize that I consider temperament is to a very large extent an inherited trait. For this reason it is imperative that before you select a German Shepherd pup, you know something about his parents and make absolutely certain they have sound, confident temperaments.If at all possible make a point of seeing both Sire and Dam.A German Shepherd Dog is not for everyone! It is not the type of animal that can be ignored, except at feeding time and left in the backyard to fend for itself.The German Shepherd craves attention. It is an animal that wants to be part of the family, which can be a definite disadvantage if you haven’t the time to give Shepherds the attention they need. This doesn’t mean that you have to devote all your spare time training the dog. But it does mean that you will have to spend a fair amount of time training the German Shepherd in basic obedience. The dog must learn to respect you. This is of vital important and comes with training.If you are willing to spend the time and effort in giving you German Shepherds the extra attention they deserve, you will be able to bring out the exceptionally fine qualities they have inherited from their ancestors.
5. BeagleThis is a dog that originated in England and was used for hunting rabbits. It is a very intelligent, good-natured animal that is easy to train. It also has a very good sense of smell.Although smaller than most hunting dogs, standing only about 14 inches in height and weighing less than 30 pounds, it is nevertheless a sturdy animal. It has a white coat with black and tan markings and large, hanging ears.This playful breed that was popularized though the “Peanuts” comic strips, that featured “Snoopy”, makes a delightful family pet because it is particularly fond of children.The Beagle is also very alert that and makes an excellent watch dog.
6. Daschund.The Daschund, a breed that originated in Germany, was originally bred to hunt badgers. In spite of its small size it was also used to hunt foxes. Because of it’s long body, loose skin and keen sense of smell, the animal was able to burrow underground.Although quite small, no more than 25 pounds, it is a sturdy, well-muscled animalThe Daschund has a delightful temperament, fun-loving, undemanding and very affectionate. They do not require a great deal of exercise and are quite content to lie around.In fact because of this they should not be over-fed otherwise they have a tendency to become overweight, which is of course unhealthy for any breed.They are also inclined to bark unnecessarily. But his can be corrected with training. They are intelligent animals and although sometimes inclined to be obstinate, they will respond to firm, but gentle correction.
7. Boxer
This breed also originated in Germany and was the result of the crossing of dogs of the bull breed variety and terriers. A well-bred Boxer has a great deal to offer. It is an animal that is exceptionally good with children. Because of its size – about 24 inches at the shoulder and between 65 and 70 lbs in weight, this muscular dog, with correct training can prove to be a useful guard dog.
A well-bred Boxer is muscular, very athletic, handsome animal.
A decided advantage of the Boxer is the fact that coat is short and requires very little attention in so far as grooming is concerned.Boxers are capable of being trained and a number have done reasonably in competitive Obedience work. Sometimes they are not quite as quick to respond to commands as other working dog breeds, but once they understand your command they seldom forget.
They are lovable very affectionate animals that generally get on well with other dogs.
8. Poodle.
The poodle is reputed to be the most intelligent of all breeds - with good reason. It is a remarkably intelligent animal, very responsive and very easy to train.It is very playful lovable animal that very often attaches itself to one member of the family. Because it is suspicious of strangers it can also be a very good guard. Although it is sometimes a noisy dog, this alertness can be very useful when there is also a larger, guard dog in the home. The Poodle is alert to every strange sound.A great advantage of the Poodle is the fact that it is the only breed that does not shed it’s coat. This can be of inestimable value if there happens to be member of the family who is allergic to dog’s hair. But because the dog does not shed its coat, the dog should be regularly brushed to avoid matting of the coat.Because of it’s exceptional intelligence the Poodle can be remarkably easy to train.Because of space restrictions this article provides only the basic facts about these eight breeds. If you would like to know more about these and many other breeds, you will find a great deal of information on the following site http://www,freedigadvice.comArticle Source: the Author:
Dennis Fisher has been involved with dogs for more than forty years as a Director of Training at an all-breeds training school,Chairman of his Club, breeder of top-quality German Shepherds, exhibitor at breed shows and competitor in obedience trials. He is still actively involved in training his dogs for competitive obedience trials. In addition to German Shepherds he has owned a variety of other breeds - including Great Danes, Border Collies,Poodles, Cairn Terriers and Schipperkes. A great deal of useful free information about dogs can be found on his website
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Hip Dysplasia is simply an abnormal formation of the hip joint.
Author: Peter Finch
Hip Dysplasia is simply an abnormal formation of the hip joint. It is similar to looseness in a joint, which should normally fit tightly into its socket. Consequent problems that can occur would happen as a result of this looseness.
Genetics plays an important role in the expression of Hip Dysplasia and it has been observed that there is a 25 to 85% chance of a dog inheriting this problem from its parents. The dog's environment also plays an important role in observing signs of Hip Dysplasia.
In fact, a good environment can suppress onset of Hip Dysplasia, even in those dogs whose parentage had it earlier. These are some of the things you should take care of. Symptoms include sudden lameness, or the inability to walk properly in Hip Dysplasia and Golden retrievers having it are also likely to get arthritis when they grow older.
Nutrition plays a vital role in Hip Dysplasia and Golden retrievers with proper nutrition have been able to arrest growth rate and reduce the potential to develop Hip Dysplasia. You need to make sure that your dog is not overweight and is eating the right amount of fat and protein. The idea is not to starve the animal, but to give it the right nutrition and watch its weight.
It has also been observed that dogs, which live in homes with slippery surfaces, are also going to be prone to get hip difficulties. For example, if you have marble flooring at home, make sure your golden beauty moves around in an environment where they can get a good grip on the surface they are walking on. Sometimes, you will not know that your dog has Hip Dysplasia until there is a lot of wear and tear with age in his muscles, and it begins to become noticeable.
You can operate and have surgery to remove Hip Dysplasia. If it can be done, you should seriously consider this option as it is the only way your dog will be able to lead a normal life. Of course, surgery can be taxing both mentally and physically, and is not a matter to be taken lightly. Golden retrievers can withstand a good amount of pain, and will not show any sign of complaint.
Even though they may be in pain, you will not know it. This is why you need to come forward, take the right decision, and give relief to your dog in the best manner possible with the options open to you.
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Don't get ripped off. If you are looking for information on golden retrievers ? or advice on buying a golden retriever or house breaking your golden retriever , visit us now. is a goldmine for information on everything related to golden retrievers.
dog fighting Ring found when home raided
Police Raid Home, Find Dog Fighting Ring
CHICAGO (CBS) ― Disgusting and disturbing – that's how the Cook County Sheriff describes a dog fighting ring in Chicago.Three men now face charges. As CBS 2's Pamela Jones reports, officers actually busted in, right in the middle of the fight.
Police say a dog they found was close to death, curled up in a corner barely moving when they entered the building. It was wounded in a fight with another dog – a dog that had to be held back from lunging again.
"One was half dead, the other covered in blood," said Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart. "We had a 13-year-old and a 15-year-old child in there, we had a pregnant woman in there. Guns, syringes, you name it…we had it in there."
Police say dozens of people paid a $5 cover to pack into the basement and bet on which dog would be strong enough and vicious enough to survive.
The other could barely stand when carried out on a stretcher.
"It was bad. I mean it was so covered in blood that it was hard to tell where all the wounds were at," Dart said.
Investigators found a fighting ring, 3mm handguns, and a rule book, too.
"These people are so sick and twisted, that they had, I found a tackle box and in it were syringes with amphetamines in it. They also had like a staple gun to staple the dog back together if it was cut open too bad. They even had an IV as well if they wanted to pump the dog up with any type of drug,' Dart said.
Now three men face felony dog fighting charges in the case.
Police say 38-year-old Donaver Jones, of Riverdale, owned the more aggressive animal.
Melvin Trent, 37, and Timothy Norris, 35, of Joliet, tell police they owned the dog mauled in the event.
A man who lives in the home says he didn't think anything illegal was taking place in the home.
"I don't know what they're talking about," he said.
He said he wasn't at the house when the raid took place.
Some 50 people who were there, though now face misdemeanor charges.
This is the first time the Sheriff's Department has broken up a dog fight as it was happening.
Workers at the city animal shelter had to euthanize the dog that was so badly injured.
Police tell the man who owned the survivng dog was also arrested two years ago in a dig fighting bust in Livingston County.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
tips to keep your dog healthy
Today, I'd like to share 5 habits to keep your dog healthy. Let's get right to it.
1. Regular Physical Exams . Visit your veterinarian frequently for a routine exam. Since dogs age so much faster than us, yearly exams can help identify problems early. Be prepared to tell your vet about any changes in your dog's stamina, appetite or behavior, when it began and what might have triggered it.
2. Groom Your Dog Often . Bathe and groom him at least once a week. Brushing removes dead hair and helps to stimulate blood flow to the skin. As you brush him, take note of any bumps, skin lesions or unusual hair loss and report abnormalities to your veterinarian.
3. Brush your dog's teeth daily . Tooth brushing staves off tooth decay and helps prevent gum disease and tooth loss. Brushing regularly will also allow you to notice mouth and tongue ulcers early on. Note any increase in "doggy breath." Dogs have their natural smells and dog food can linger on their breath, but a change in breath to the point that it becomes strong or offensive can signal various illnesses.
4. Encourage Exercise . Exercise helps your dog maintain muscle tone, keeps his heart and digestion healthy and even improves his attitude. Walk or play with your dog at least twice daily.
5. Provide Good Nutrition. Feed your dog a good quality food formulated for his life stage. Stick with a good quality premium food and feed that amount that maintains an ideal weight. Always provide fresh, cool water.
Monitor your dog. Watch his urine and bowel movements for abnormalities. Be aware of any changes in his attitude or habits to identify problems early.
Preventable dog conditions
Dirty Golden Retriever had fun in the mud today
My beautiful Dakota went outside this morning. It was a wet cool day,and he decided to play with the neighbor dog a black lab named Pepper.
When I went outside to go to work, this is what I found ~above~ picture!
He was rolling in what used to be grass yesterday and was very proud of himself..
He had to be washed 3 times in the shower to get all of the mud out, lol.
I laughed as I called Heather outside,let her look at Dakota and then said see ya later buh-bye and giggled all the way to the car,as I left her with my now mud covered but still adorable dog.
He smelled great and looked good as new when I got home!
Dogs whatcha gonna do..
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Why dog parks are bad
In a perfect world dog parks are great. The world is not perfect and neither are dog parks. For the following reason I think people should stay away from them at all costs:
Dog parks are a cesspool of diseases. Lots of dogs don’t have the correct vaccinations, since owners don’t care enough. Some dogs are not even on flea medications. Since owners rarely pick up their dogs waste the door park is literally a minefield of dog poop with all sorts of diseases coming with it.
- for more information click here
I personally love the dog park alot. He is not always locked up,we do exercise him,he is up to date on his shots.
I do worry about the other dogs at times: How do you not. But, I do my part for him so I do not want to take away the fun and experience he has at the park with the other dogs.
Their will always be the people that do not do there part I am sure, you just have to use your best judgement.
The park I go to every owner seems to be great at picking up right after their dogs poop,and if they don't see it someone will surely let them know.
Puppies,it is probably not the best place for them until they've been fixed and had their shots and can handle themselves with the bigger dogs.
Children, please do not bring them! The dogs run,jump and WILL run over or knock over your child guaranteed.
training,obedience,tricks,equiptment,and more are available at this site:
cat med gallery information
dog med gallery pictures and information

pictures,index and information on most all you want to know: here

Hip Dysplasia - abnormal movement of the rear limbs
Hip Dysplasia - abnormal movement of the rear limbs
You are the first Vet I have found that I would take my dog to and not worry
about him. Your latest newsletter is Brilliant and I am sure that you take as much
time with your patients as you did writing the newsletter and it is a
wonderful thing to see. Thank You.
vibrant 112 pound mutt, GSD/Bloodhound/Lab/ Ridgeback- those are the breeds
that I can see him in readily- that is a Super Frisbee player, he can leap 3
feet up in the air to catch the Frisbees and Loves the game. But sometimes
his legs go out from under him and sometimes it looks like his hind legs
step in the same place when I am walking behind him more:
Cosequin effects and pain management for hip dysplasia
Cosequin effects and pain management for hip dysplasia
My 8 yo GSD has been diagnosed with mild hip dysplasia. She has beengiven Rimadyl in the past for a flare but suffered from bloody diarrhea
and vomiting after 4 days of treatment. At the same time she was also
started on Cosequin DS. Obviously she should not be given Rimadyl
again but I have a couple questions regarding treatment:
for more info and the answers:
difficulty walking with back legs in english bulldog
difficulty walking with back legs in english bulldog
that is progressively getting worse. The best way to describe his
condition is that his rear end looks drunk. We had his spine and hips
X-Rayed and looked at by both a neurologist and radiologist. In both
cases they didn't see anything that might be causing this. We ran tests
for Neospora Caninum and Toxoplasmosis , the Neospora Caninum test came
back negative, but the Toxoplasmosis test came back with a slightly
elevated levels. However my veterinarian feels that this may have been
from a previous exposure and is not causing his current condition. To be
on the safe side my vet prescribed Doxycline and wants to test him again
in a few weeks to determine if these low levels are declining or
more information and answer
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Obama article my g-daughter of 4 years voted

Like their parents across the Northland and adult voters across the country, local kids on Tuesday chose
Barack Obama as their next president.
Based on ballots counted in Duluth, Superior, Esko and Cloquet through Kids Voting, young people voted
overwhelmingly for Obama. Students at Hermantown Middle School participate in a similar exercise
unaffiliated with Kids Voting that also resulted in a win for Obama.
Kids Voting allows underage youth to participate in the democratic process in hopes that they will stay
involved once they turn 18, said Lars Sandstrom, executive director of Kids Voting Minnesota.
“If kids develop the habit of being informed voters while they’re young, they are more likely to continue to
be once they turn 18,” Sandstrom said.
Ava Point started her voting record this year at the age of 4. Like the majority of her peers, she voted for
“He makes better choices than McCain,” Ava said at Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Duluth’s Endion
neighborhood. “I think McCain is a blowfish.”

This article was in the duluth news tribune that was published on Nov.5,2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
polls to go to vote at: Vote Obama
Vote Obama!!
Polls are open in Minnesota and Wisconsin from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Below is information about finding your polling place. And if you have news about voting issues or problems, please contact our newsroom at 723-5300 or
To find your polling place:
In Minnesota:
In Wisconsin:
For election information:
St. Louis County Auditor, 726-2380
Douglas County Clerk, 395-1341
Carlton County Auditor, 384-9127
Lake County Auditor, 834-8315
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Dogs vomiting
About Me
- mblueeyes
- duluth, minnesota, United States
- I love the good and bad and the ugly because all experiences make us who we are and you are stronger for everything that you experience.
dr on video explaining who gets hip dysplasia,what is hip dysplasia,symptoms of hip dysplasia and the diagnosis of hip dysplasia
I'm not sure how your dog is doing right now, but I want to let you know that if he is clumsy,has a wobbly gait which means that he has a swish to his walk, walks with his head down alot (because he is walking on his front half)which my Dakota did. He had great muscle mass in the front half of him because of this,but very little in the back.
Won't even attempt to jump up on your furniture, which is good but at the same time can show you that he doesn't want to use them back limbs.Goes to move your hand with his nose if you are trying to rub those back limbs in the hip joint area (because he is sore,so he is protecting them).sometimes they will literally stumble going up stairs etc..
Now I am not saying that this is definately hip dysplasia in your animal because i am no doctor but those are the things that went on with him and he had severe hip dysplasia.Just ideas,things to watch for and ask your vet about if you are noticing any of this in your animal...
These are things that I noticed when we had Dakota. Now, it was a little different with him because he had just been neutered so we weren't sure if things were going on with that at first or something else was going on until a few weeks had passed by and he just wasn't healing like we thought he should be so we made him a vet appointment thank goodness.
If you are here, I am assuming that the reason has to do with a possible surgery coming up and you want to learn more and make the right decision.
I am so glad that you are doing this!!
First of all make sure that you read on the choices of surgeries if you haven't talked to your vet on that yet.
I am still worried that maybe the complete hip surgery may have been the way to go for him instead of the fho surgery.
He is out of pain which was my goal of course and it will never come back so I am told. But, he has such a swish still when he walks and pretty clumsy still.
I know it is early yet and hopefullly these things will still take care of themselves with time and muscle growth.
Just something to think about if you have a larger dog like I do.
Research,Research,Research you have one chance.
Make sure that you make the right one for you and your loved pet.

links on hip dysplasia
- free downloadable ebooks on dog training
- canine medical information
- orthopedic information for animals
- wikipedia information on hip dysplasia and more
- canine encyclopedia-a-z listings
- geo cities hip dysplasia
- neutraceuticals for dog arthritis
- old dog paws
- orthomolecular specialties
- working dogs-hip dysplasia
- info on hip dysplasia and good animal info as well.
- dr.foster n smith pet information on hip dysplasia

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