The therapist visited Dakota and right now this is what we should be doing for him.
flushing very lightly,which is placing your hand on him down by his knee and just lightly pressing your hand and moving it up towards the staples.
You may notice any little bumps in the area which may be retaining some fluid, that's why you are doing this, so you can break them up.
Also don't forget to be doing the light massaging as well, this also is light and should not be painfull. You don't have to just do the shaven area you can do all over and relax him as well.
Press lightly one or two finger circles right over his staples and go up and down 3 passes.
When he is relaxed then you can try straightening his leg and holding it for 20 seconds. Do this just a few times, and make sure that you are straightening and then bringing it back up slowly so that he is not having muscle shakes.
We are just to walk up the block 2 houses,slowly and try to keep head up so that he is also using his back leg muscles. I don't know about your animal but Dakota is used to putting all his weight onto his front so he walks with his head down.
Every 3 days walk 1 house further.
Work on him standing longer, Dakota will get where he needs to be an automatically sit down. So, even if you have to put a hand under his belly to help him, just to stand up a bit, before he sits down.
Also, stand on the left side and next time the right side and try to get him to turn towards you using both sides each time he gets up. He may favor one side so you want to get him used to getting up either way.
Don't forget to be icing him, it seems to work for me better to put the towel and then the ice on the side of him that is on the floor. The pressure seems to work better than lying on the side facing up because theirs not as much pressure then.Do this for 15-20 minutes after any exercising,flushing,massaging etc...

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